Lessons, Training & Clinics
Lessons, Training, & Clinics offered by Allison Springer
Allison combines her talent as a rider with her passion for teaching and coaching. Her program has made her a popular and much sought-after instructor for both amateurs and young riders.
Allison’s students range from upper level competitors to beginners going to their first event. Allison was the Head coach of the Haitian Eventing Team and has coached multiple North American Young Riders Champions. Her ability to identify world-class prospects and develop them to the peak of their ability provides a firm foundation for her future competitive success with horsemanship being paramount.
Allison is based in Boyce, Virginia for the majority of the year and in Aiken, South Carolina during the winter months. Please contact Allison for information about scheduling lessons in Virginia or South Carolina, training your horse, or scheduling a clinic at your farm.
Allison also accepts working students. Please contact Allison for a job description and interview.
Valerie Page
We are sad to let you go for the winter, as Annie has made amazing progress in just four lessons. Annie has been taught the principles of dressage before, but suddenly she “gets it.” Flash has a spring to his step now, and Annie is all smiles as she feels him rounding underneath her. What a difference from his nose in the air days! I asked Annie why it seems easier to her now, and she said “I understand everything Allison is telling me to do.” I honestly wasn’t sure an eleven-year old could feel “accepting the bit, etc.,” but you have managed to communicate difficult concepts to her very clearly, with immediate results. Thank you, thank you! And hurry back this spring!
Kathy Davis
In addition to being a terrific rider, Allison brings her considerable skills to training students. Her ability to quickly isolate issues and to give clear, immediate correction is remarkable. Her instruction has brought me further in the past year than I thought possible, and I have seem similar improvement in her other students at our barn. Allison’s training has given me solid tools for bettering both my position and my horse’s performance; and my confidence has increased accordingly! Her professional manner, ability to focus, and her positive attitude have me looking forward to the hard work of each lesson.